Loading Screen

If you are seeing a loading screen, or the site seems to have “timed out” there might be a browser compatibility issue. Please use the following to troubleshoot, if these items don’t fix the error, please shoot an email to support@autocfo.com and we will help you get to the bottom of the issue asap!

1) What browser are you using?

Our preferred browser is Google Chrome. Brave Browser and Firefox are also supported. Get more info about system requirements here.

Firefox and Safari are not currently supported.

2) An old version of the app might be cached

If the software gets stuck loading in one of our supported browsers, it’s usually because we pushed a software update and the browser isn’t recognizing that the software is updated yet.

Here is the fix:

On a PC, hold the control key then click refresh in the top left corner of your browser (the circle with the arrow), and the site should reset and pull your data in.

On a Mac, hold the option key then click the refresh button in the top left corner of your browser (the circle with the arrow), and the site should reset and pull your data in.